Rawhitiroa School
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Rawhitiroa School, situated on the outskirts of Eltham in Taranaki, caters for students from Years 1 to 8. They enjoy education in a safe, aesthetically pleasing, inclusive learning and play spaces. Students experience an environment conducive to successful learning and develop with teachers respectful, responsive and reciprocal relationships.
We strive for our children to be strong in Literacy and Numeracy, to expand their knowledge and skills across the curriculum, celebrate their successes and others, and to be positive active members of their community.
Strong relationships and partnerships connect home, school and the community. Families have many opportunities to engage in and support school activities and direction. Students in the past have been highly involved in the maintenance and beautification of nearby Lake Rotokare, a community-led project to create a pest-free sanctuary for bird life. Children learned in an atmosphere of mutual respect where being a member of the school's community and making a contribution is valued.
Whanaungatanga, Aroha, Kaitiakitanga, and Ahuatanga.
21 Feb 2025
26 Feb 2025
28 Feb 2025
Your child/ren have expressed an interest in playing in the Central Taranaki Schools Hockey Tournament.
Please click HERE for the information notice and permission form.
Any questions please let me know.
Have a great day.
Ngā mihi,
Amanda Savage - Office Administrator
Kia ora koutou
Just a few messages today as we had a full newsletter on Monday.
Moving forward we will return to the newsletter coming our fortnightly on a Friday with notices on the between weeks.
There are many forms being sent home with your children today. Can we please have them returned as soon as possible. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Jan.
Our annual school bi / triathlon will be held on Thursday 6th March starting at 11am. We look forward to seeing you at this event. Please click HERE for the Information notice for this event. Entry forms will be coming home today as a hard copy.
Please note we have a Teacher Only Day on Friday 7th March. Should you have any questions about this please let contact Jan.
Our first assembly for the year will be next Friday 21st February at 9am. After this we will advise the schedule but they will be Monday's at 2.30pm.
I have attached the Parent Calendar for this term.
Have a fantastic weekend.
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